OFW Records Information Sheet

The Overseas Filipino Workers’ Records, also known as OFW Information Sheet is composed of various documents such as employment contracts, personal data, and beneficiary details. Some Philippine government agencies such as the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Philippine Overseas Labor Office (POLO), recruitment agencies, and Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) can request these documents.

Some of the reasons why they are requesting them are for the OFWs’ employment, passport, visa application, OWWA benefits, and travel tax exemptions.

ofw records information sheet


The POEA gathered all personal and beneficiary information, employment details, etc. for all agencies and OFWs who needed them. This online service can save time and energy, is cost-effective, and is accessible anytime and anywhere.


When claiming the OFW records, the OFW, their beneficiaries, or other agencies must bring the following:

  • Overseas Filipino Workers
    • Fully accomplished verification request form
    • Identification documents with picture (passport, driver’s license, PRC card, NBI clearance, Company ID, etc.)
  • Members of the family or relatives of the Overseas Filipino Workers
    • Fully accomplished verification request form
    • Identification documents with picture (passport, driver’s license, PRC card, NBI clearance, Company ID, etc.)
    • Proof of relationship (original or authenticated or certified true copy)
      • Spouse – marriage contract
      • Children – birth certificate of the requesting party
      • Sibling – birth certificate of the requesting party and birth certificate of the OFW
      • Parents – birth certificate of the OFW
  • Deceased Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)
    • Immediate family member
      • Copy of Death Certificate of OFW
      • Copy of CENOMAR/Advisory of Marriages of the deceased OFW
      • OFW passport
      • Written consent or authorized letter authorizing the request and release of the OFW information and indicating the name of the authorized person, the reason for non-availability, and the purpose of the request, duly signed by the beneficiary dependant.
    • Next of Kin (NOK)
      • Original copy of Proof of Kinship
      • Original copy of Affidavit of Undertaking
      • Copy of Death Certificate of OFW
      • Copy of CENOMAR/Advisory of Marriages of the deceased OFW
      • OFW passport
      • Certificate of Death of Parents, Siblings, Spouse, and Children
      • Identification documents with picture (passport, driver’s license, PRC card, NBI clearance, Company ID, etc.)
  • Other parties
    • Fully accomplished verification request form/formal written request indicating the purpose.
    • Identification documents with picture (passport, driver’s license, PRC card, NBI clearance, Company ID, etc.)
    • Other requirements
      • Persons authorized by the OFW – special power of attorney.
      • Government agencies – proof of authority of the representative to receive the record.
      • Parties with cases filed in court – court order to the POEA or letter request from the law office with authorization from the complaining party. 

OFW Information Sheet Appointment Setting

The OFW Information Sheet was created to give convenience to people or agencies who needed them. They can easily request it through an online appointment.

  1. Go to the POEA website at https://ofwrecords.dmw.gov.ph/.
  2. Once you are on the DMW OFE Records Online Appointment System page, scroll down and click “Register/Make an appointment” at the bottom of the page.
  3. Fill out all the information needed and make sure that all information is correct. Double-check for the spelling.
  4. Choose the branch office and the date you preferred to pick up the documents.
  5. Once you are done, click “Submit”.

If you have already requested before or if you already have an account, you can use your old Appointment Reference Number or ARN to request.

  1. Go to the POEA website at https://ofwrecords.dmw.gov.ph/.
  2. Get your previous Appointment Reference Number (ARN) and fill out the information needed such as your mother’s maiden name, last name, and first name.
  3. Click the box for “I am not a robot” and click “Log in”.

OFW Information Sheet Pick Up

To get the Information Sheet, you need to go to your chosen Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) office. Here’s the step on what to do once you are in the office:

  1. Ask for the verification form and service number from the guard on duty.
  2. Fill out the verification request form and attach the other requirements listed above this article. Wait for your number to be called.
  3. When your number is called, go to “Service Window” and submit the form and other requirements. If all your requirements are complete, your request will be verified and printed. If it’s incomplete, you need to gather the missing requirements.
  4. Wait for your name to be called at the “Releasing Window”.
  5. Once your name is called, you will be given a duly-certified print-out information sheet or certification of no record. If the record needs manual retrieval, you will be given a “Verification Status Form” and the date when you will go back to the office.
  6. Sign the releasing logbook as proof of receipt.


If you are a visual learner, here’s a video tutorial by Yam PH on how to set an appointment to get the information sheet online.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do I have to pay to request the information sheet?

None. Requesting an information sheet is free of charge.

Who can file a request online for the OFW information sheet?

The Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), family and relatives of an OFW, and other parties such as Philippine government agencies and recruitment agencies can file an online request to get the OFW’s information sheet.

How can I print the scheduled appointment?

Once you are done filling out the form, the request for verification/verification of the OFW information sheet will appear on the page. When it appears, click “Print Appointment”.

What will happen if the documents needed are incomplete?

The clerk will ask you to complete all the required documents before they process your request. You can come back once everything is complete.


Before, requesting to get a copy of a document can be exhausting. You need to wait in a long queue and pay money for every document you need. For these reasons, the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) wanted to lighten the burdens not only for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) but also for those who work in government agencies and recruitment agencies.

The DMW website is user-friendly and setting an appointment is as easy as pie. You can request multiple documents and it’s free of charge. It is less hassle and more convenient for everyone who needs it.

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